
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Local Author Ron Culberson Releases New Book

Local humorist and public speaker Ron Culberson 

Tues, 5/22/2012 – 08:59pm | Herndon Patch Contributor Amanda Hamm
Herndon resident Ron Culberson autographed copies of his new book at the Reston Barnes and Noble Friday, May 18. Although Culberson has authored two prior books, this was his first book signing.
Culberson’s first work titled Is Your Glass Laugh Full? Some Thoughts on Seeing the Humor in Life was self-published in 2004 and consisted of personal anecdotes showing how the power of humor allowed him to cope with day-to-day challenges in life. His second book, My Kneecap Seems Loose: 365 Random Thoughts to Inspire Deeply Shallow Thinking, was published in 2010 and contained a daily-dose of random observations on life.
According to Culberson, his third and newest work titled Do It Well. Make It Fun. The Key to Success in Life, Death, and Almost Everything in Between was written as a how-to book to help readers with personal and professional development.
“It has a sort of tongue-in-cheek intro: ‘The only self-help book you’ll ever need.’ The book contains two simple concepts any reader can grasp. First, to take on every task to the best of your ability (i.e. do it well) and second, to make that task as enjoyable as possible,” Culberson said.
There is a running timeline throughout the book consisting of Culberson’s personal stories from his youth into adulthood; however, readers can pick up the book and jump to any chapter without getting lost, says Culberson.
“I’ve included 22 chapters on various subjects (communication, parenting, marriage, even life and death),” Culberson said. “I’m normally only able to cover two or three topics during my usual talks so this book is a nice supplement.”
Not only does he believe in the concept behind the book; he’s passionate about it. Combine that attitude with humor and it helped create a work that’s both insightful but humorous, states Culberson.
Originally from southwestern Virginia, Culberson completed his undergraduate degree at UVA before going on to obtain a graduate’s degree from Virginia Commonwealth University. His graduate thesis led him to research the therapeutic benefits of humor as it related to depression.
Culberson wanted to expand from his career as a home care social worker at the Hospice of Northern VA (now Capital Hospice) and started doing 30-min presentations at different locations. He eventually submitted a proposal to do a workshop, finding that people found his talks humorous but helpful. He received numerous requests to do presentations outside of his job and decided to leave hospice care in 1996 to speak professionally full-time.
Culberson and his family moved to Reston in 1997 where they lived for 10 years, before finally settling in Herndon. Aside from speaking engagements and writing books, Culberson spends much of his spare time volunteering with various organizations. He also enjoys playing golf and riding on his Harley-Davidson.